Tag - Betaflight

How do I convert Betaflight Rates to Actual Rates?

Have you ever wondered how you can convert your existing Betaflight Rates into Actual Rates? If so, I have the answer here! First, you open this web application. Now you transfer your Betaflight Rates from one channel (i.e. roll, pitch or yaw) to the area marked in red (see picture below). The blue curve has now the shape of Betaflight Rates. Move the three sliders in the green marked area (see picture below) until the green curve comes to lie...

Betaflight 4.2 PID Tuning (quick and dirty)

Anyone who has already dealt with Betaflight a bit more profoundly has definitely landed in the "PID Profile Settings". Most of the time the quads already fly well with the default settings. But if you want to get a little more out of bounce-back and propwash, I would like to give you quick-and-dirty instructions here. In this guide I am concentrating exclusively on the four Sieders (green frame). Please take care of the filter settings in advance and carry out the...